Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Photo Bliss

Inspired by The CoffeeShop Blog, I am posting one image every Friday, taken that week, that really makes me happy. If you end up doing the same I would love to see your photo linked in my comments!

This little girl has captured her brother's heart.
There isn't much he won't do when bribed with a chance to hold or help with Sydney.


Mother 25 - 8 said...

2 things Amanda. I'm liking the photo idea. I'll do the same. What a GREAT idea!! So every Friday, post a pic of something from the week that I liked. 'Cept I'm not sure how to link it to here. I'll figure it out though.
2nd thing. Your quilt is in the mail. Because of your note (you really helped to make my decision to stay public!) I changed the quilt around just a bit. I redid the quilt, but I used more fabric from the "Dino Dudes" line. No "filler" if that makes sense. It made for an even cuter quilt than the original. I'm VERY VERY excited for you to get it. I also included a "diaper clutch." It matches. It's basically a little bag that's perfect for just leaving in the car. It fits a package of wet wipes and a handful of diapers. On the side there's an elastic for hand sanitizer.
I washed it but shouldn't have, cuz now it looks "used" but it was never used. Just washed. Won't do that in the future! Anyways, your quilt is on the SewCuteBabies FB. I'm pretty excited for you to get it. 2-3 days it should be there.
Thanks AGAIN!!