Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Post #2- Swimming Lessons days 1 and 2

The girls are SO excited to be in swimming lessons!
Halle has taken to it with gusto! She is even showing off a little :D
Everything they've asked her to do she does!
The most comical thing she did was when the teacher had them hanging onto the side of the pool and kick. She would not kick both legs at the same time, she would stand on one leg like a flamingo and not kick back but to the side, I wish I would have had my camera out then!

Payton on the other hand is very reserved! She won't put her face under water or relax when they try and get her to back float, she loves the water but only likes it from the waist down.

Day 2 Halle learning to kick

Payton learning to kick

The teacher asked her to put her face in the water and tell her number
she was holding up, this is what Payton did

The girls chilling out

If this video works this is Halle showing off.
The teacher threw rings out into the water and told the kids
to put their faces in the water to find them. She obviously
thought she'd show off