Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Photo Bliss and catch up

I haven't been too inspired to post so along with my photo I will post a little update :)

Inspired by The CoffeeShop Blog, I am posting one image every Friday, taken that week, that really makes me happy. If you end up doing the same I would love to see your photo linked in my comments!

(Brian doesn't appreciate the spiky hair, but I think it is adorable :)
Here is Sydney at 5 months! I can't believe how fast time is going by! She is such a ham! She loves to laugh, mostly at Parker's voice, whatever comes out of his mouth she giggles at. Halle has also started to get her to giggle by talking in her funny voice with those missing teeth she sounds silly even to me :)
Sofia has started taking it as her responsibility to keep Sydney's face clean. When I feed her baby food I watch for Sofia, she can always be found coming down the stairs with the bathroom stool in one hand and a baby wipe in the other :) Payton is ever the mother hen. She always asks me what Sydney needs when she cries. She is always willing to help me with whatever is Sydney related :)

Right now Payton is super excited for her 5th birthday. She asked for a pink cowboy girl hat :)
Halle is excited for the Valentine's Day party they are having at school. I feel kind of bad because I picked out her Valentines this year. I wanted to get a box that was gender neutral and a good candy, but I think she feels left out, I may let her pick out a different box this weekend.
Parker is definitely 2! He has turned from sweet to sour almost overnight! He went to saying, "yes" to "do it urelf mam". He is great at picking up his toys but behavior a 2 year old, hitting especially! He won't be 2 forever :) RIGHT?
Sofia is getting so big, it seems like the transition from 3 to 4 is little girl to big girl. She gets so into pretend play and thinks she is ALWAYS a princess even without the dress :)