Friday, September 19, 2008

Marathon Post #2: Birthmom Visit

Yesterday Brian and I flew to SLC to meet with our case worker Jodie who took us to Applebees to meet with our Birthmom. She was SO cute. She is 5'0 just like me and has a beautiful smile! She was SO shy! Of course I was sitting next to her just talking her ears off :) and found out she likes Horror movies, cleaning, and shopping! She is from the Southeast and one thing she said that made me laugh was, "I like dogs but I don't want one because it would bite someone and I would get sued." HAHA so matter of fact!

She asked me to be her support person in the delivery room! She is dilated to a 3 and so who knows if we are going to make it to the 29th.
She has an appointment next week and we will know more then!


Laura said...

How exciting!! I can't believe you were so close to me and I didn't get to see you. :(