Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Blogger does not like my pictures lately! GRRR!
I've come to post every day and they just won't load!
Now that we are knee deep in the Holiday Season our commitments are winding down. We had a terrible experience with Sydney being unable to breathe and headed into the ER. She has croup which isn't uncommon to anyone but us, weird that 4 previous kids were healthy and babe #5 is more medically fragile? Well she is better now but those were a rough few nights!
We enjoyed Sofia's preschool program on Wednesday. Saturday we got to go on a DATE to the BIG city! We had a great time visiting while driving and getting all of the Christmas shopping buttoned up!
We had part of Brian's family over for a Christmas celebration too! WHEW!

The kiddos last day of school is today then we have 2 weeks of break. My oldest is SAD that school is over and cries that she just wants to learn! I've devised a plan of keeping their minds fresh for school, wish me luck carrying out my plan!

We are headed to Brian's work on Saturday for their Christmas celebration and then home to start our own.
That's it for now, I'll try and get my pictures up soon!

Sofia in her Christmas dress


 Every party needs a Grinch


Jolene Perry said...

Those are SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!